What Is The Acne Detox?

This is the first step in your acne clearing journey and your roadmap that will lay the foundation for what your body needs in order to truly glow from within. The Acne Detox is a 3 phase approach to acne where we take 30 days in each phase focusing on removing, rebalancing and restoring the body back to balance. It is a self-paced, online video course guiding you on how to gently detox your body to effectively rid it of common toxins that can cause acne or other gut based issues. Such a mucosal build up in the intestines that can prevent nutrients from being absorbed properly and leading to nutritional deficiencies that can lead to acne; or toxic byproducts from candida or bacterial overgrowth in the body which can also be a root cause of acne. This 3 phase approach will take you through the next 90 days of your acne healing journey ensuring you are setting yourself and your body up for success when it comes to clearing your acne for good. By setting and building a solid foundation by detoxing and then flooding the body with essential nutrients it needs for skin health, gut health and optimal wellness you will be able to have a strong foothold on your overall health and skin.

The Acne Detox - 3 Phase Approach

Phase 1 - Remove

In phase 1 you will be going through a 30 day gut cleanse to help cleanse out mucoid plaque, a thick rubber like substance that develops from mucus, foreign invaders and other byproducts from foods such as refined sugars, grains, meats, and dairy products. This mucoid plaque blocks the nutrients from our food from being absorbed properly and can set you up for malabsorption and nutritional deficiencies.

Phase 2 - Rebalance

Now that we have cleaned out the weeds through the gut cleanse, we will now focus on rebalancing the gut and in order to do so you may need to address bacterial overgrowth, candida/yeast overgrowth or poor digestion. This module will walk you through how to identify which category you fall under and how to effectively rebalance your system. This is especially important for those dealing with chronic acne or gut based issues as an overgrowth of bacteria, yeast, fungus or poorly digested foods can create more toxins in the body, and with the skin being our largest detox organ, putting more burden on the skin

Phase 3 - Restore

This is all about restoring the body with all the vital nutrients it needs in order to heal naturally and restore balance to the system which includes clear skin and a solid digestive system. By this phase your body will be open and available to absorbing all these crucial nutrients it needs in order to restore nutrient deficients and truly glow from within.


  1. How long is the detox: You will go through 3 - 30 day phases throughout this program. The first being a 30-day gut cleanse (remove phase), then 30 days of bacterial or yeast overgrowth elimination (rebalance phase), and finally 30 days of foundational nutrition (restore phase).

  2. If I am pregnant/breastfeeding can I do the detox: It is recommended you wait til after the baby to participate in any sort of detox.

  3. What can I expect during the gut cleanse: The gut cleanse is a way for us to scrub the gut of any build-up that can happen over time. You may experience some increased breakouts, headaches, variations in stool, stomach gurgling, weird sensations in the stomach (like things are moving). Everyone is different though and so some may experience varying symptoms or no symptoms at all.

  4. Are the supplements included with the course?: No supplements are not included

  5. How much do the supplements cost?: Dani gives multiple options depending on your budget in each phase of the course. As a range, the supplements will run from $50-$200 per phase.

  6. How many supplements will I be taking: If you decide to do the full gut cleanse (we do provide budget-friendly options) there are 4 supplements you will be taking throughout the day. Phases 2 and 3 vary depending on how much support your body needs. However, we do take into consideration all budget types and offer solutions at all levels.

  7. I think I have hormonal acne, does this detox address hormones?: No, the acne detox though is the first step you should take before addressing hormones. If there are any imbalances within the gut or chronic toxins that the body has to deal with there is no point in addressing hormones until those toxins and imbalances are addressed first. It is also possible for the body to rebalance naturally once the toxins and nutritional deficiencies have been addressed.

  8. What do I do after the detox? - This depends on where you are at in your healing journey. For some, they go through the detox and stop there, then repeat the detox a few times a year. If you are wanting to take a deepening dive into hormones for acne, or deeper detox due to years of being on the pill or prescription medications that can be done either 1:1 with Dani or through her group program Naturally Clear.

Price: $147

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