How I Enjoy My Favorite Foods Without Worrying About Breakouts_109

Show Notes:

The most constant and annoying thought I had in the back of my head when battling acne was “is this food going to make me break out?” It was seriously in the back of my head anytime I put my fork to my mouth. But what I learned since is that once you heal your gut this constant worry about foods causing breakouts becomes virtually nonexistent. Now there are always exceptions to the rule and if you overindulge in anything your body isn't going to like it. But when you take care and nurture your health 80% of the time, that 20% of the time isn't an issue.

But what does 20% of the time look like? Well if you eat 3 meals a day 7 days a week that is 21 meals. 80% or 16.8 of those meals should be pretty on point, getting in all those good whole foods that we all know and hopefully love, and then 4.2 of those meals can have a little something extra added to them.

Plus if you pair that 20% with a few secret weapons to boost your gut and your body to take on the hit then your really in the clear.

Enter your two secrete weapons: Enzymes and immunoglobulins.

Enzymes before the meal - intolerance complex from enzyme science. Think of these guys are your Pacman that help support your body to break down the proteins of the food into small digestible size particles as they make your way through your digestive system.

Immunoglobulins - IgG2000 - help to mop up the toxins that can be produced from those cheat meals, PLUS if you have any sort of leaky gut going on this should be a daily staple for you while you heal and seal that gut girlfriend. LPS, H.Pylori, C.Diff, and any mycotoxins or endotoxins that pathogens, bacteria, viruses, and fungi secret while inside of us.

Both of these can be found in Dani’s Fullscript

The information provided by the Detoxing with Dani Podcast, Dani Ferguson CN, or any of its guests is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. Please consult your physician first before implementing any of the information provided.

Danielle Ferguson